Thursday, June 01, 2006

baby teeth

My baby will be three months old on the fifth. Already! And for the last couple of days she's been acting, well, not herself. I'll try to nurse her and she screams bloody murder until I give her a bottle. Not every time, but once or twice a day. And that is after I check to see what else might be wrong, you know, diaper-hot/cold-lonely-bored-tired. And when she gets the bottle and drinks a few ounces she starts chomping on the nipple. And then she does this bite-pull, bite-pull thing that I am SO glad she doesn't do while she's nursing! And now she's crazy drooling everywhere.

Is my baby getting teeth already?!

The other girls got teeth at around 6 months, I think, which I guess is kind of early. Especially since I didn't get teeth til after my birthday. Please don't tell me she's getting teeth already, I've never nursed a baby with teeth before, having stopped before my girls got theirs, and I'm not ready for Miss R. to give up the damned-convient boob just yet!


Anonymous said...

Though I can't be certain that's what your baby is going son will be 4 months old on the 6th of June, and our doctor has confirmed that he's teething (and has been for several weeks now). You can feel the lower teeth right under the surface, poor thing.
And, our "symptoms" started very similar to yours (pulling & biting on the nipple).

Anonymous said...

Your baby is starting the teething stage. Don't worry about nursing a baby with teeth. I have 3 boys, and they all nursed past the introduction of teeth. A baby can not suck and bite at the same time. When they stop nursing and start goofing around, then the feeding is over. It's easy to stop it before it happens, and it happened very seldom to me, just a few times total for all 3 boys combined. No injuries!

Get the drooling bibs and teething toys out!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.